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Validate Domain

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Validate Domain

GET https://api.maileon.com/partner/domains/validate?key={key}&domain={domain}
Description: This method cvalidates the settings for a (sub-) domain, namely the NS-Records, syntax, etc.

– key: apikey
– domain: the url-encoded domain name to validate
– customDns: default = false, boolean that indicates if the NS records (false) or the A, MX, … (true) records are set

– 200 OK (if everything is fine)
– 400 Bad Request (with all errors, these can be syntax errors, forbidden sub-subdomains, not allowed custom A-record, subdomain is already existing with another Maileon account, no nameservers are set, NS1 missing, NS2 missing)


{ "domain":"test.customer.com",
"errors": {
"xqns1Missing":"NS1 is not pointing to the XQueue servers.",
"xqns0Missing":"NS0 is not pointing to the XQueue servers."}
