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Get Blocks

Returns a page of block status changes. This can either be the contact has been blocked or unblocked. You can filter by the old and new status or you can get the number of block status changes only.

GET https://api.maileon.com/1.0/reports/blocks
GET https://api.maileon.com/1.0/reports/blocks/count


Parameter Default Description
from_date If provided, only the blocks after or equal (including) the given date will be returned. The value of from_date must be a numeric value representing a point in time milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00
to_date If provided, only the blocks before (excluding) the given date will be returned. The value of to_date must be a numeric value representing a point in time milliseconds afterJanuary 1, 1970 00:00:00
ids Multivalued parameter to filter the results by contacts. Each value must correspond to a contact id.
emails Multivalued parameter to filter the results by email addresses.
eids Multivalued parameter to filter the results by external ids. Each value must correspond to a contacts external id
reasons Multivalued parameter to filter the blocks by reasons. Possible values are: blacklist and bounce_policy .
old_status Filter by old status, valid: allowed, blocked
new_status Filter by new status, valid: allowed, blocked
exclude_anonymous_blocks true Supported values: true / false. If set to true, the blocks that cannot be mapped to contacts because of permission types or because unsubscriptions are omitted in the results
standard_field Multivalued parameter to query the value of a standard contact field.
custom_field Multivalued parameter to query the value of a custom contact field.
page_index 1 The index of the result page. The index must be greater or equal to 1.
page_size 100 The maximum count of items in the result page. If provided, the value of page_size must be in the range 1 to 1000.


GET https://api.maileon.com/1.0/reports/blocks?page_index=1&page_size=10&emails=local210%40baunzt.de&standard_field=TITLE&exclude_anonymous_blocks=false
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.maileon.api+xml
Link: …
X-Pages: …
X-Items: …

            <created>2014-03-07 10:59:22.0</created>
            <updated>2014-08-01 17:35:56.0</updated>
            <external_id nil="true"/>
                <field><name>TITLE</name><value nil="true"/></field>
        <timestamp>2014-07-10 17:46:46</timestamp>