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Beliebte Suchanfragen: Importe | Rest-API | Integrationen | SMS

Start Marketing-Automation Program For A Given Set Of Contacts

Sie sind hier:
Starts a Marketing-Automation program for each submitted contact.
Required existence of contacts
Please be aware if you start a Marketing-Automation program and the provided contact does not exist, the program cannot be started.


POST https://api.maileon.com/1.0/marketing-automation/:programId

Media type: application/json


Parameter Required Description
programId true The ID of the (active) Marketing-Automation program

The body has the media type application/json and contains a list of email addresses. A body has the following attribute:

Attribute Required Description
emails true the list of email addresses (=contacts) the program should be started for

The body might look like this:

{"emails": ["max.mustermann@xqueue.com", "erika.musterfrau@xqueue.de"]}

Running examples (with code download)

  • Starting MA Directly for Contacts
    This example is able to start a marketing automation program directily for a single contact. Make sure the contact exists in Maileon and has a valid (= not NONE) Permission to receive Mails.