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Beliebte Suchanfragen: Importe | Rest-API | Integrationen | SMS
Synchronize Contacts
Synchronizes (updates) the contacts in the account with the data from a list of contacts and returns a detailed report with stats and validation errors. This method is meant to update large sets of contacts while “Create Contact” and “Update Contact” are used to update single contacts only. With this method, e.g. flags for contact filters can be updated to update the set of contacts that shall receive a certain mailing.
The maximum size of the request body is limited to 10 MB.
Duplicates (e.g. contacts with the same email address when the email address is the primary identificator) are not allowed in one call and will be ignored as it is not defined which one should possibly override the other.
Contact Preferences: If the source of a contact preference is not available in XML, the source will not be updated, even if the value changes. If the XML node is available but empty or null, source will be deleted, if source is filled the source for the preference will be set, nevertheless if the value itself changed or not. If value changes or if source changes but value stays the same, last_modified will be updated.
Parameter | Default | Description |
permission | 1 | Specifies the permission to be assigned to the contact. Supported values are 1: none, 2: single opt-in, 3: confirmed opt-in, 4: double opt-in, 5: double opt-in plus, 6: other |
sync_mode | 2 | Specifies the synchronization option in case a contact with the provided identifier (external id or email address) already exists:1: update, 2: ignore |
use_external_id | false | If set to true, the external id is used as identifier for the contacts. Otherwise the email address is used as identifier. If ‚use_external_id‘ and ‚prefer_maileon_id‘ are set to true, a bad request (400) will be returned. |
prefer_maileon_id | false | If set to true, the maileon id is used as identifier for the contacts. If no id is set, the email will be used instead. If ‚prefer_maileon_id‘ and ‚use_external_id‘ are set to true, a bad request (400) will be returned. |
ignore_invalid_contacts | false | If set to true, invalid contacts are ignored and the synchronization succeeds for valid contacts. A report object will be returned, which contains all failed contacts with a reason code which can be found here: Synchronize Contacts Error Codes. |
override_permission | true | If set to true the permission of existing and non existing contacts will be set to the given permission. If the permission is not set, permission ’none‘ will be set for new contacts and the permission of existing contacts will not be changed. If set to false, the permission will be used for new contacts only and the permission of existing contacts will not be changed. |
reimport_unsubscribed_contacts | true | If set to true unsubscribed contacts will be reimported, else, they will be ignored. |
update_only | false | If set to true only existing contacts will be updated. Not existing contacts will not be created. |
Example (Request)
POST Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Content-Type: application/vnd.maileon.api+xml; charset=utf-8 <contacts> <contact> <email></email> <external_id>external-id-1</external_id> <standard_fields> <field> <name>LASTNAME</name> <value>Mustermann</value> </field> <field> <name>FIRSTNAME</name> <value>Max</value> </field> </standard_fields> <custom_fields> <field> <name>COLOR</name> <value>BLUE</value> </field> </custom_fields> </contact> <contact> <email></email> <external_id>external-id-2</external_id> <standard_fields> <field> <name>LASTNAME</name> <value>Mustermann</value> </field> <field> <name>FIRSTNAME</name> <value>Erika</value> </field> </standard_fields> <custom_fields> <field> <name>COLOR</name> <value>RED</value> </field> </custom_fields> </contact> </contacts>
Example with Contact Preferences
POST Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Content-Type: application/vnd.maileon.api+xml; charset=utf-8 <contacts> <contact> <email></email> <external_id>external-id-1</external_id> <standard_fields> <field> <name>LASTNAME</name> <value>Mustermann</value> </field> <field> <name>FIRSTNAME</name> <value>Max</value> </field> </standard_fields> <custom_fields> <field> <name>COLOR</name> <value>BLUE</value> </field> </custom_fields> <preferences> <preference> <name>Shopware</name> <category>Development</category> <value>true</value> <source>test</source> </preference> <preference> <name>Magento</name> <category>Development</category> <value>false</value> <source>test</source> </preference> </preferences> </contact> <contact> <email></email> <external_id>external-id-2</external_id> <standard_fields> <field> <name>LASTNAME</name> <value>Mustermann</value> </field> <field> <name>FIRSTNAME</name> <value>Erika</value> </field> </standard_fields> <custom_fields> <field> <name>COLOR</name> <value>RED</value> </field> </custom_fields> <preferences> <preference> <name>Shopware</name> <category>Development</category> <value>true</value> <source>test</source> </preference> <preference> <name>Magento</name> <category>Development</category> <value>false</value> <source>test</source> </preference> </preferences> </contact> </contacts>
Report when ignore_invalid_contatcts is set to true
<report> <success>false</success> <count_contacts>3</count_contacts> <count_existing_contacts>0</count_existing_contacts> <count_new_contacts>0</count_new_contacts> <count_invalid_contacts>2</count_invalid_contacts> <count_unsubscribed_contacts>0</count_unsubscribed_contacts> <invalid_contacts> <contact> <email>max.mustermann.3@xqueue</email> <external_id nil="true"/> <error code="3"> <error_field>max.mustermann.3@xqueue</error_field> </error> </contact> <contact> <email></email> <external_id nil="true"/> <error code="21"> <error_field>test</error_field> </error> </contact> </invalid_contacts> </report>
In this case the documentation helps resolving the code 3 to „invalid email address“ and 21 to „no such custom field“ with name „test“. See „Synchronize Contacts Error Codes„.