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Beliebte Suchanfragen: Importe | Rest-API | Integrationen | SMS


API version 1.0.0
The API uses HTTP Basic authentication. Each request must be supplied with the authorization header.The value of the authorization header is constructed as follows:
– The API key is encoded using Base64
– The authorization method „Basic“ and a space is then put before the encoded string.

"Authorization": "Basic" base64(API Key)


Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

API Key Format

An API key can have 12-265 characters. A key can contain upper and lower case characters (case sensitive) as well as digits and special characters.

Getting an API Key

An API Key can be obtained from the Maileon user interface. Each API Key has an expiration date and distinct privileges for the HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

Maileon UI

