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Beliebte Suchanfragen: Importe | Rest-API | Integrationen | SMS

Get Unsubscription-Marker

Sie sind hier:
Check if a contact with the given e-mail address unsubscribed in the past and thus, is regarded as an unsubscriber. If using „synchronize contacts“, contacts with marked email adresses will be ignored, if  „reimport_unsubscribed_contacts“ is set to false.
Please note: the contact with the given email address can be marked as unsubscriber, even if he resubscribed, and thus, might be existing as an active contact in Maileon.

GET /contacts/email/:email/unsubscription


GET https://api.maileon.com/1.0/contacts/email/max.mustermann%40xqueue.com/unsubscription
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

200 OK

Response Codes

HTTP status code Description
200 OK Found an unsubscription marker
400 Bad Request Invalid email address
404 Not Found No unsubscription marker found