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Update Data Extension

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Updates settings of an existing data extension.

PUT https://api.maileon.com/1.0/dataextensions/:dataExtensionId


The body has the media type application/vnd.maileon.api+json. A data extension has the following settings:

Attribute Required Description
name yes The name of the data extension to use.

Must be unique.

description no A description to summarize the data extension.
retention_policy yes Lets you define a deletion strategy for each entry.

Possible values are:

  • NONE
delete_date yes, if retention_policy is set to EXTENSION_DATE and if delete_date_as_long is not set A date string in the format „Y-m-d“, „Y-m-d H:i:s“ or „Y-m-dTH:i:sZ“.
delete_date_as_long yes, if retention_policy is set to EXTENSION_DATE and if delete_date is not set A timestamp in microseconds (timestamp * 1000).
delete_interval yes, if retention_policy is set to EXTENSION_DURATION, EXTENSION_DURATION_RENEW_ON_MODIFICATION or RECORDS_DURATION The amount of interval units as integer.
delete_interval_unit yes, if retention_policy is set to EXTENSION_DURATION, EXTENSION_DURATION_RENEW_ON_MODIFICATION or RECORDS_DURATION The date interval unit.

Possible values are:

  • DAYS


HTTP status code Description
200 OK Data extension has been updated successfully.
400 Bad Request If there was an error in the submitted body. In this case, an XML-form error message that explains the problem is produced.
404 Not Found If no data extension with the given dataExtensionId can be found.


PUT https://api.maileon.com/1.0/dataextensions/123
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Content-Type: application/vnd.maileon.api+json

  "name": "Name",
  "description": "Description",
  "retention_policy": "RECORDS_DURATION",
  "delete_interval": 7,
  "delete_interval_unit": "DAYS"

200 OK