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Merge Tags
Merge Tags are used inside mailing contents as placeholders for personalized output. Merge Tags can be used in:
– the subject
– the sender alias
– the recipient alias
– the html version
– the text version
The syntax definitions are given in general form. The following notations are used for syntax definitions:
notation | definition |
[ something ] | “something” is optional. |
alternative1 | alternative2 | A logical or, marking alternatives. |
( something ) | Group “something”, used in conjunction with |, * and +. |
* | The asterisk shows that zero or more repetitions of the preceding expression may be present. |
+ | The plus sign shows that one or more repetitions of the preceding expression may be present. |
code | Literal merge tag code is shown in a fixed-width font with a light gray background. |
placeholder | Placeholders are printed in italics in the same format as literal code. They are further explained in the “Description” section of each tag. |
Basic Merge Tags
Properties | |
Syntax | [[ namespace| property [ | fallback] ]] |
Description | Displays the value of a property of the mailing, the contact or the account.
– namespace is one of – property identifies the property to display, e.g. the name of the contact field for the namespace – fallback is an optional default value to use if the property is not set. |
Example |
sender / recipient alias | yes |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Open (tracking) pixels | |
Syntax | [[OPEN-PIXEL]] |
Description | Generates a URL that returns an tiny open pixel to register opening events. |
Example |
<img width="1" height="1" src="[[OPEN-PIXEL]]"/> |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Unsubscribe links | |
Syntax | [[UNSUBSCRIBE]] |
Description | Generates an unsubscribe URL. |
Example |
<a href="[[UNSUBSCRIBE]]">Click here to unsubscribe</a> |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
“Update profile” links | |
Syntax | [[UPDATE-PROFILE]] |
Description | Generates an update profile URL. |
Example |
<a href="[[UPDATE-PROFILE]]">Edit you settings here</a> |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Online version links | |
Syntax | [[ONLINE-VERSION]] |
Description | Generates an online version URL which is also called rescue link to preview the mailing content in the browser. |
Example |
<a href="[[ONLINE-VERSION]]"> Click here if you face problems to see contents in mail client </a> |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Trackable links | |
Syntax | [[LINK|url]] |
Description | Generates a trackable link that redirects to url. |
Example |
<a href="[[LINK|]]"> Visit the Maileon website </a> |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Trackable links with tags | |
Syntax | [[LINK|url|tags]] |
Description | Generates a trackable link that redirects to url and maps the provided tags to the link in reports. Note that the tags must be separated by # . The tag names must be alphanumeric. |
Example |
<a href="[[LINK||maileon#website#version1]]">Visit the Maileon website</a> |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Conditionals | |
Syntax | [[IF| condition| namespace| property]] … ( [[ELSE-IF| condition| namespace| property]] … )* [ [[ELSE]] … ] [[/IF]] |
Description | Includes template parts conditionally based on the value of a property
-namespace is the namespace of the property. Valid values are
Example |
[[IF|EQUALS('m')|CONTACT|GENDER]] he [[ELSE-IF|EQUALS('f')|CONTACT|GENDER]] she [[ELSE]] they [[/IF]] This will print “he” for male contacts, “she” for female contacts and “they” when |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Transaction merge
See Transactions on how to provide content to these merge tags.
Example transaction content:
{ "order": { "id": "2418", "date": "2014-05-28 11:34:21", "url": "", "items": [ { "price": 20, "quantity": 4, "product": "product a" }, { "price": 25, "quantity": 2, "product": "product b", "category": "category b" }, { "price": 10, "quantity": 3, "product": "product c" } ] }, "currency": "EURO", "sum": 160 }
Reading transaction attributes | |
Syntax | [[ [ stringfunc| ] TRANSACTION| path [ | fallback ] ]] |
Description | Displays a transaction attribute, with optional default value and optional text transformation. The placeholders work as follows:
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Iterating lists | |||||||||||||||||||||
Syntax | [[LIST|TRANSACTION| path| alias[ |ORDER-BY(' relative_path', ( DESC | ASC ) ) ][ |RANGE( [ from ] , [ to ] ) ]]] … [[ITEM| alias| path2 [ | fallback ] ]] … [[/LIST]] |
Description | [[LIST|TRANSACTION]] loops over the items of a JSON array in the transaction content. The placeholders are defined as follows:
Example |
<table border="1"> <tr> <th>quantity</th> <th>item</th> <th>category</th> <th>price</th> </tr> [[LIST|TRANSACTION|order.items|i|ORDER-BY('quantity', DESC)]] <tr> <td>[[ITEM|i|quantity]]</td> <td>[[ITEM|i|product]]</td> <td>[[ITEM|i|category|none]]</td> <td>[[ITEM|i|price]] [[TRANSACTION|currency]]</td> </tr> [[/LIST]] <tr> <td colspan="3"><strong>total</strong></td> <td>[[TRANSACTION|sum]] [[TRANSACTION|currency]]</td> </tr> </table> For the example transaction above, this will produce the following table:
sender / recipient alias | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
subject | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
text / html | yes |
List item indexes | |
Syntax | [[ITEM-INDEX|alias|start]] |
Description | Used inside the body of a [[LIST -construct.
Example |
[[LIST|TRANSACTION|order.items|i|ORDER-BY('quantity', DESC)]] [[ITEM-INDEX|i|0]] [[/LIST]] will produce the following output: 0 1 2 |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Trackable links with personalization | |
Syntax | [[LINK|" ([ link_part ][ [ [ +| ] TRANSACTION| path [ | fallback ] ] ])+ "]] |
Description | Generates a trackable link that redirects to a URL that was personalized using transaction attributes.
-Adding |
Example | [[LINK|"[TRANSACTION|]/foo"]] will generate a link that redirects to given the example transaction above.[[LINK|"[+|TRANSACTION|order.url]"]] will generate a link that redirects to given the example transaction above. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Conditionals on transaction properties | |
Syntax | [[IF| condition| namespace| property]] … ( [[ELSE-IF| condition| namespace| property]] … )* [ [[ELSE]] … ] [[/IF]] |
Description | Includes template parts conditionally based on the value of a transaction attribute. Also see the documentation for the general form of if statements.
Example |
[[IF|EQUALS-IGNORE-CASE('euro')|TRANSACTION|currency]] Your total is [[TRANSACTION|sum]] &euro;. [[ELSE-IF|EQUALS-IGNORE-CASE('pound')|TRANSACTION|currency]] Your total is [[TRANSACTION|sum]] &pound;. [[ELSE]] Your total is [[TRANSACTION|sum]] [[TRANSACTION|currency]]. [[/IF]] For the example transaction, this will print “Your total is 160 €.”. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Conditionals on JSON array items | |
Syntax | [[IF| item-condition|ITEM| alias]] … ( [[ELSE-IF| item-condition|ITEM| alias]] … )* [ [[ELSE]] … ] [[/IF]] |
Description | Includes template parts conditionally based on the value of a JSON array item. Can only be used inside a list construct.
Example |
[[LIST|TRANSACTION|order.items|i|ORDER-BY('quantity', DESC)]] [[IF|IS-ITEM-ODD|ITEM|i]] odd [[/IF]] [[IF|IS-ITEM-EVEN|ITEM|i]] even [[/IF]] [[IF|HAS-NEXT|ITEM|i]] more items ahead... [[/IF]] [[/LIST]] For the example transaction, this will print: odd more items ahead... even more items ahead... odd |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
String functions
These functions transform strings. Input for the examples is 'EURO'
function | description | syntax example | result |
REPLACE | perform string substitution | [[REPLACE(‚R‘,’X‘)|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EUXO |
CAP-FIRST | capitalize the first word | [[CAP-FIRST|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EURO |
CAPITALIZE | capitalize all words | [[CAPITALIZE|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EURO |
CSV-COUNT | count the number of comma-separated fields | [[|TRANSACTION|currency]] | 1 |
HTML | escape all html entities | [[HTML|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EURO |
LENGTH | count the number of characters | [[LENGTH|TRANSACTION|currency]] | 4 |
LOWER-CASE | replace all letters with their lower-case counterparts | [[LOWER-CASE|TRANSACTION|currency]] | euro |
SUBSTRING | return part of the string | [[SUBSTRING(1,2)|TRANSACTION|currency]] | U |
TRIM | remove leading and trailing white space | [[TRIM|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EURO |
UNCAP-FIRST | lower-case the first letter of the first word | [[UNCAP-FIRST|TRANSACTION|currency]] | eURO |
UPPER-CASE | upper-case the whole string | [[UPPER-CASE|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EURO |
URL | perform url escaping | [[URL|TRANSACTION|currency]] | EURO |
The following table shows the available conditional functions (“test functions”) for use in [[IF...]]
name | description | example |
CONTAINS | test if a string attribute contains a constant string | input: 'Maileon' CONTAINS('l') = true CONTAINS('m') = false |
CONTAINS-IGNORE-CASE | test if a string attribute contains a constant string, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' CONTAINS-IGNORE-CASE('l') = true CONTAINS-IGNORE-CASE('m') = true |
CONTAINS-ANY | test if a string contains any of a number of constant strings | input: 'Maileon' CONTAINS-ANY('m','e','x') = true CONTAINS-ANY('mail','S','xkcd') = false |
CONTAINS-ANY-IGNORE-CASE | test if a string contains any of a number of constant strings, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' CONTAINS-ANY-IGNORE-CASE('m','e','x') = true CONTAINS-ANY-IGNORE-CASE('mail','S','xkcd') = true |
CONTAINS-NONE | test if a string does not contain any of a number of constant strings | input: 'Maileon' CONTAINS-NONE('u','S','D') = true CONTAINS-NONE('e','S','D') = false |
CONTAINS-NONE-IGNORE-CASE | test if a string does not contain any of a number of constant strings, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' CONTAINS-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('E','B','P') = false CONTAINS-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('G','B','P') = true |
ENDS-WITH | test if a string ends with a given constant strings | input: 'Maileon' ENDS-WITH('eon') = true ENDS-WITH('ile') = false |
ENDS-WITH-ANY | test if a string ends with any of a number of constant strings | input: 'Maileon' ENDS-WITH('eon','ile') = true ENDS-WITH('Mail','eo') = false |
ENDS-WITH-ANY-IGNORE-CASE | test if a string ends with any of a number of constant strings, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' ENDS-WITH-ANY('EON','ro') = true |
ENDS-WITH-NONE | test if a string does not end with any of a number of constant strings | input: 'Maileon' ENDS-WITH-NONE('BP','SD') = true ENDS-WITH-NONE('eon','SD') = false |
ENDS-WITH-NONE-IGNORE-CASE | test if a string does not end with any of a number of constant strings, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' ENDS-WITH-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('EON','sd') = true ENDS-WITH-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('eue','sd') = false |
EQUALS | test string equality | input: 'Maileon' EQUALS('Maileon') = true EQUALS('maileon') = false |
EQUALS-IGNORE-CASE | test string equality, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' EQUALS-IGNORE-CASE('Maileon') = true EQUALS-IGNORE-CASE('maileon') = true |
NOT-EQUALS | test string inequality, case sensitive | input: 'Maileon' NOT-EQUALS('Maileon') = false NOT-EQUALS('maileon') = true |
CSV-CONTAINS | test if string contains a comma-separated-value element | input: 'Maileon,XQueue' CSV-CONTAINS('Maileon') = false CSV-CONTAINS('maileon') = true |
CSV-CONTAINS-ANY | test if string contains any of a number of comma-separated-value elements | input: 'Maileon,XQueue' CSV-CONTAINS-ANY('XQueue','Maileon') = true CSV-CONTAINS-ANY('Maileon','Alice') = true |
CSV-CONTAINS-ANY-IGNORE-CASE | test if string contains any of a number of comma-separated-value elements | input: 'Maileon,XQueue' CSV-CONTAINS-ANY-IGNORE-CASE('xqueue','maileon') = true CSV-CONTAINS-ANY-IGNORE-CASE('maileon','Alice') = true |
CSV-CONTAINS-NONE | test if string does not contain any of a number of comma-separated-value elements | input: 'Maileon,XQueue' CSV-CONTAINS-NONE('XQueue','maileon') = false CSV-CONTAINS-NONE('maileon','Alice') = true |
CSV-CONTAINS-NONE-IGNORE-CASE | test if string does not contain any of a number of comma-separated-value elements, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon,XQueue' CSV-CONTAINS-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('XQueue','maileon') = false CSV-CONTAINS-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('maileon','Alice') = false |
STARTS-WITH | test if string starts with the given constant string | input: 'Maileon' STARTS-WITH('Mail') = true STARTS-WITH('mail') = false |
STARTS-WITH-IGNORE-CASE | test if string starts with the given constant string, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' STARTS-WITH-IGNORE-CASE('Mail') = true STARTS-WITH-IGNORE-CASE('mail') = true |
STARTS-WITH-ANY | test if string starts with any of the given constant strings | input: 'Maileon' STARTS-WITH-ANY('XQ','Mail') = true STARTS-WITH-ANY('XQ','mail') = false |
STARTS-WITH-ANY-IGNORE-CASE | test if string starts with any of the given constant strings, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' STARTS-WITH-ANY-IGNORE-CASE('XQ','Mail') = true STARTS-WITH-ANY-IGNORE-CASE('XQ','mail') = true |
STARTS-WITH-NONE | test if string does not start with any of the given constant strings | input: 'Maileon' STARTS-WITH-NONE('XQ','Mail') = false STARTS-WITH-NONE('XQ','mail') = true |
STARTS-WITH-NONE-IGNORE-CASE | test if string does not start with any of the given constant strings, case insensitive | input: 'Maileon' STARTS-WITH-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('XQ','Mail') = false STARTS-WITH-NONE-IGNORE-CASE('XQ','mail') = false |
EXISTS | test if value exists / is non-null | input: 'Maileon' EXISTS = true input: null EXISTS = false |
IS-NUMBER | test if something is of type number | input: 4 , IS-NUMBER = true input: '4' , IS-NUMBER = false input: 'Maileon' , IS-NUMBER = false |
IS-BOOLEAN | test if something is of type boolean | input: false , IS-BOOLEAN = true input: 'false' , IS-BOOLEAN = false input: 'Maileon' , IS-BOOLEAN = false |
EQ | test number or string containing number for equality | input: 3 , EQ(3) = true input: '3' , EQ(3) = true input: 'Maileon' , EQ(3) = false |
NE | test number or string containing number for inequality | input: 3 , NE(3) = false input: '3' , NE(3) = false input: 'Maileon' , NE(3) produces a template error |
LT | test if number or string containing number is less than a given constant number | input: 2 , LT(3) = true input: '2' , LT(3) = true input: 'Maileon' , LT(3) produces a template error |
LE | test if number or string containing number is less than or equal to a given constant number | input: 2 , LE(3) = true input: '3' , LE(3) = true input: 'Maileon' , LE(3) produces a template error |
GT | test if number or string containing number is greater than a given constant number | input: 4 , GT(3) = true input: '4' , GT(3) = true input: 'Maileon' , GT(3) produces a template error |
GE | test if number or string containing number is greater than or equal to a given constant number | input: 4 , GE(3) = true input: '3' , GE(3) = true input: 'Maileon' , GE(3) produces a template error |
HAS-NEXT | item-specific condition that tests if a list item is not the last element of the list | input list: ['a', 'b', 'c'] for item 'b' : HAS_NEXT = true for item 'c' : HAS_NEXT = false |
IS-ITEM-EVEN | item-specific condition that tests if a list item has an index that is divisible by two | input list: ['a', 'b', 'c'] for item 'a' : IS-ITEM-EVEN = false for item 'b' : IS-ITEM-EVEN = true |
IS-ITEM-ODD | item-specific condition that tests if a list item has an index that is not divisible by two | input list: ['a', 'b', 'c'] for item 'a' : IS-ITEM-ODD = true for item 'b' : IS-ITEM-ODD = false |
RSS2Email merge tags
The RSS2EMail extension allows sending e-mails once a pre-defined number of new entries have been added to an RSS / ATOM feed. The following example feed will be used for this documentation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Cutlery sale</title> <description>This is an example feed used to explain RSS2Email merge tags.</description> <link></link> <author></author> <image></image> <category>Cutlery</category> <item> <title>Spoons are on sale!</title> <author></author> <category>Cutlery</category> <category>Spoons</category> <description>Get our wonderful spoons here.</description> <link></link> <image></image> <guid>7bd204c6-1655-4c27-aeee-53f933c5395f</guid> <content>Spoon content goes here...</content> </item> <item> <title>Forks are on sale!</title> <author></author> <category>Cutlery</category> <category>Forks</category> <description>Get our wonderful forks here.</description> <link></link> <image></image> <guid>7bd204c6-1655-4c27-aeee-53f933c5395f</guid> <content>Forks content goes here...</content> </item> </channel> </rss>
Feed properties | |
Syntax | {{feed: feed-property ( parameter )* }} |
Description | Displays a feed property.
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Feed author | |
Syntax | {{feed:author [ prefix= ( true | false )][ fallback= fb ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" ) ] }} |
Description | Displays the feed author. |
Example |
{{feed:author fallback="" onmissingvalue=fallback}} displays “” for the example RSS feed given above. If the feed author was not set, “” would be displayed instead. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Feed categories | |
Syntax | {{feed:categories [ separator=" sep" ] }} |
Description | Displays the feed categories. |
Example |
{{feed:categories}} displays “Cutlery” for the example RSS feed given above. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Feed image | |
Syntax | {{feed:image [ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" ) ][ backup= ( true | false ) ][ inline= ( true | false ) ][ htmltag= ( true | false ) ][ width ] [ height ] }} |
Description | Displays the feed image. |
Example |
{{feed:image onmissingvalue=ignore inline=true htmltag=true 300 200}} produces the image at “” as an inline image, with the |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Feed link | |
Syntax | {{feed:link [ prefix= ( true | false )][ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" ) ] }} |
Description | Displays the feed link. |
Example |
{{feed:link fallback="" onmissingvalue=fallback}} produces a link that redirects to “” for the example feed. If the feed link property was not set, a link redirecting to “” would be generated instead. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Feed title | |
Syntax | {{feed:title [ prefix= ( true | false )][ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" ) ] }} |
Description | Displays the feed title. |
Example |
{{feed:title fallback="Forks &amp; Spoons" onmissingvalue=fallback}} produces “Cutlery sale” for the example feed. If the feed title property was not set, the text “Forks & Spoons” would be produced instead. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Feed item properties | |
Syntax | {{feed:item: item-property ( parameter )* }} |
Description | Displays a feed item property. Can only be used inside a feed loop construct.
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Looping over feed items (entries) | |
Syntax | {{feed:loop}} … {{feed:item:...}} … {{feed:end-loop}} |
Description | Iterate over the new feed entries. The syntax for retrieving individual properties of the entries is described separately below. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} {{feed:item:title}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the output Spoons are on sale! Forks are on sale! for the example feed. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item author | |
Syntax | {{feed:item:author [ prefix= ( true | false )][ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) ] }} |
Description | Displays the feed author. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} author: {{feed:item:author fallback="" onmissingvalue="skip item"}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the output author: author: for the example feed. If the author property of the “spoons” entry was not set, only the second line would be output. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item link | |
Syntax | {{feed:item:link [ prefix= ( true | false )][ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) ] }} |
Description | Displays the item link. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} {{feed:item:link fallback="" onmissingvalue=fallback}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the links given in the feed items, with “” as a fallback value for each item. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item categories | |
Syntax | [ sep ] }} |
Description | Displays the item categories. |
Example |
{{feed:item:categories separator=", "}} displays “Cutlery, Spoons” and “Cutlery, Forks”, respectively, for the items of the example RSS feed. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item description | |
Syntax | {{feed:item:description [ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) ][ striphtml= ( true | false )][ backupimages= ( true | false )][ inline= ( true | false )][ tracklinks= ( true | false )] }} |
Description | Displays the item description. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} {{feed:item:description}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the output Get our wonderful spoons here. Get our wonderful forks here. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item content | |
Syntax | {{feed:item:content [ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) ][ striphtml= ( true | false )][ backupimages= ( true | false )][ inline= ( true | false )][ tracklinks= ( true | false )] }} |
Description | Displays the item content. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} {{feed:item:content}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the output Spoon content goes here... Forks content goes here... |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item title | |
Syntax | {{feed:item:title [ prefix= ( true | false )][ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) ] }} |
Description | Displays the item title. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} {{feed:item:title}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the output Spoons are on sale! Forks are on sale! |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | yes |
text / html | yes |
Item image | |
Syntax | {{feed:item:image [ fallback=" fallback" ][ onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) ][ backup= ( true | false ) ][ inline= ( true | false ) ][ htmltag= ( true | false ) ][ width ] [ height ] }} |
Description | Displays the item image. |
Example |
{{feed:loop}} {{feed:item:image}} {{feed:end-loop}} produces the images for the feed entries. |
sender / recipient alias | no |
subject | no |
text / html | yes |
Property parameters
syntax | description | ||||||||||||
prefix= ( true | false ) |
Only return the first word (word boundary is space) of the property. | ||||||||||||
fallback=fb | if the property is not set, display fb instead |
onmissingvalue= ( "fail" | "ignore" | "empty" | "fallback" | "skip item" ) |
What to do when the property is not set.
separator=“sep„ | The string separator used to concatenate multiple categories into a single string. The default is "#" . |
htmltag= ( true | false ) |
Applies to image properties only. When set to true while generating an HTML document, an tag is generated for the image URL.Otherwise, the image URL is returned instead. The default is false . |
backup= ( true | false ) |
Applies to image properties only. Backup the image into the media repository and use the URL of the backed-up version instead of the original image. The default is false . |
inline= ( true | false ) |
Applies to image properties only. Attach the image as part of the e-mail instead of linking to a web resource. The default is false . |
width | Applies to image properties only. The display width of the image in the generated HTML mailing. | ||||||||||||
height | Applies to image properties only. The display height of the image in the generated HTML mailing. | ||||||||||||
striphtml= ( true | false ) |
Remove all HTML entities from item description or content. The default is true for non-HTML mailings, false otherwise. |
backupimages= ( true | false ) |
Backup all images in the HTML content or description of an item into the media repository and use the URLs of the backed-up images in the emitted HTML code. The default is false . |
tracklinks= ( true | false ) |
Convert all links in the HTML content or description of an item into tracking links. The default is false . |