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Active DOIs

Active DOIs

After having switched the created DOI draft active the DOI Mailing is continuously active with no expiry date. You have the option to deactivate it using the Stop DOI Mailing button; however, this action does not result in actual deletion.

Deactivated DOI Mailings are automatically added to the DOI History. From this point, the DOI Mailing can be completely and permanently deleted. However, it is not recommended to delete them.

Please note: As with Trigger Mailings, neither inactivated nor activated DOI Mailings can be edited. If you desire to make changes in your DOI Mailing, or you wish to reactivate the deactivated DOI Mailing, please create a copy of the DOI Mailing from either the Active DOIs or DOI History.

The copy will automatically be placed in the DOI Drafts, where it can be edited as previously described.

Note: copies will be assigned a new DOI key! To replace a DOI Mailing, please ensure you enter (manually) the DOI key of the previous DOI version in the basic settings of the new DOI Mailing.

To replace the content of an existing DOI Mailing, the active DOI must be archived, and the draft version activated. The system indicates a notification, which serves as a reminder that a DOI Mailing with this key is still in use.

After changing the DOI key, simply set the new DOI to active and archive the previous one. This can be automatically accomplished by simply selecting the checkbox “DOI Mailing versioning” at the bottom of the interface.

Once the new emailing has been activated, the subscription process will reference this new version, as archived DOIs are always inactive and cannot be sent out.

If the checkbox in the last box is selected, the previous default DOI Mailing will be set to inactive.

For Active DOIs, the emailing can be edited to a limited extent by clicking on the screwdriver icon.

This option does only apply to the confirmation and error page, as indicated by the pop-up window.

For Active DOIs and DOI History, click on the emailing to get a survey of the response data. Here, you can also dispatch test DOI Mailings using the envelope icon or modify the hyperlinks within the DOI Mailing by using the screwdriver icon.

In this statistic, you can see:

  • subscriptions,
  • opens,
  • clicks,
  • bounce rates, and
  • other statistics.

Clicking on the screwdriver icon you have the option to modify elements in the emailing. It is possible to adjust images and links in active, paused or historical emailings. Due to technical reasons, only images provided by servers of the system, and only trackable, non-personalised links can be edited.
To display the most recent status of updated images in this window, it is advisable to clear the browser cache.

For more editing options, click on the screwdriver icon again.

At this point you may modify the links in the emailing.

Note: the subscribe link cannot be modified here!

A DOI link of an active mailing can’t be changed.

Additional statistics can also be viewed on the Active DOIs and DOI History pages. The icons in the top left-hand corner provide various individual and collective processing options.

Here’s a brief overview from left to right:

  • Pipette icon: Chi² independence test. It’s a statistical method used to determine which DOI Mailing produced better results. To use this feature, select two DOI Mailings for comparison, then click the icon to include them in the test.
  • Arrow icon: Export listing or shipping figures.
  • Double-sheet icon: Copy selected DOI Mailings and move them to DOI drafts.
  • Circle icon: Stop sending and moving DOI Mailings to the DOI History.