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Beliebte Suchanfragen: Importe | Rest-API | Integrationen | SMS

Get Information about a given Job

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Get Information about a given Partner

GET https://api.maileon.com/partner/account-jobs/{jobId}

Path Parameter:
– jobId: id of the job

– key: apikey

– job_type: {‚accountsetup‘, ’subdomainchange‘}
– id: int
– status: enum {‚waiting‘, ‚running‘, ’success‘, ‚error‘}
– newsletterAccountName: string
– createdUser: string
– createdTime: iso8601datetime
– After completionof ‚accountsetup’job:
o account_id: long
o customer_id: long
– After completionof ’subdomainchange’job:
o account_id: long
o customer_id: long
o domain: string


"job_type": "accountsetup",
"id": 123,
"status": "success",
"newsletterAccountName": "dummy",
"createdUser": "dummy@xqueue.de",
"createdTime": "2015-08-26T12:06:49+02:00"

If the job is of type account creation, it will return the ID of the newsletter account (account_id) and the customer account id (customer_id):

"job_type": "accountsetup",
"account_id": 1000000193,
"createdTime": "2022-06-24T18:48:39+02:00",
"newsletterAccountName": "Marcus Create test",
"id": 514,
"customer_id": 1000000075,
"createdUser": "marcus.beckerle@xqueue.com",
"status": "success"
