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Beliebte Suchanfragen: Importe | Rest-API | Integrationen | SMS

Create API-Key for Newsletter-Account

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Create API-Key for Newsletter-Account

POST https://api.maileon.com/partner/newsletter-accounts/{newsletterAccountId}/apikey

This method creates an API key inside the newsletter account. Additional settings can be passed in the JSON body. If a body (optional) is passed, the following content type must be set: Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

Path Parameter:
– newsletterAccountId: int // the id of the newsletter account

– key: apikey

– description: string The displayed name
– expirationDate: date (yyyy-mm-dd) The date the API key will expire (at start of day)
– notificationEmails: array of strings A list of of email addresses that are to bbe notified before the API key expires, e.g. [„max.mustermann@xqueue.com“, “maxi.musterfrau@xqueue.com“]
– notificationDate: date (yyyy-mm-dd) If a special date shall be used to send the notification. Please be aware: in UI, only a dropdown for „[1..7] days before deactivation“ is shown. If the notification date is longer in the past then 7 days, UI will not show any selection but the date will be saved and notification mails will be triggered.
– notificationLocale: string Two character representation of the locale the notification will be sent in, e.g.“en“
– ipWhitelist: array of strings Describes the IP addresses that are allowed to access the API, e.g. [„″,““]

Example entity:

{ "description": "test creation partner api key2", "expirationDate": "2023-03-04", "notificationEmails": [ "max.mustermann@xqueue.com", "max.mustermann@xqueue.de" ], "notificationDate": "2022-07-22", "notificationLocale": "en", "ipWhitelist": [ "","" ] }

– apiKey: string
– expiration: iso8601datetime


"apiKey": "03aabaae-xxx-xxx-xxx-22204f6c3acb",
"expiration": "2019-08-28T11:53:17+02:00"
