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Distributor Report: Checks

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Distributor Report: Checks

GET https://api.maileon.com/partner/distributor/reports/checks

– key: apikey
– from: ISO 8601 date (yyyy-MM-dd) to start the search from (including)
– to: ISO 8601 date (yyyy-MM-dd) to limit the search to (excluding)
– page_size: the number of elements to return in a call, default: 100, valid: 1<= page_size <= 100 - page_index: the index of the page to ask for, must be greater or equal to 1 - customer_account_ids: multivalued field for filtering results by customer account IDs (or filter) - newsletter_account_ids: multivalued field for filtering results by newsletter account IDs (or filter) Returns:
– checks: object[]


"distributorAccountId": 2,
"distributorAccountName": "Test-VP",
"customerAccountId": 1,
"customerAccountName": "Testkunde",
"newsletterAccountId": 1,
"newsletterAccountName": "Test-Account",
"mailingId": 2016,
"nameOfCheck": "display",
"created": "2017-02-16T15:18:07+01:00"
"distributorAccountId": 2,
"distributorAccountName": "Test-VP",
"customerAccountId": 1,
"customerAccountName": "Testkunde",
"newsletterAccountId": 1,
"newsletterAccountName": "Test-Account",
"mailingId": 2016,
"nameOfCheck": "display",
"created": "2017-02-16T15:53:26+01:00"
